Kogle Allé 5
DK-2970 Hørsholm
Tel: +45 7730 5800
E-mail: [email protected]
CVR/VAT#: DK29217939
David Balslev-Harder
+45 2545 9026
[email protected]

Jan Hald
Nanotechnology / Dimensional metrology
+45 2545 9019
[email protected]

Lisa C. DeLeebeeck
+45 2545 9036
[email protected]
DFM has decades of experience within research, development, international research project collaboration, implementation of methods, and documentation of procedures.
DFM often collaborates with companies to develop the right measurement techniques. If you are looking for a partner within measurement science, DFM could be the perfect match for you. We may also give advice on funding possibilities for project applications.
Wherever there’s a challenge within the world of physics, chemistry and technology, get in contact with us and see if we can help. We will evaluate the challenge, we can develop the solution, and you may benefit from our large network.
Contact us for a meeting. The first meeting and assessment is free of charge.
What is the cost of a consultant from DFM?
Access to experience and competences brings great value, which will be reflected in the price. DFM offers access to world-class knowledge at reasonable hourly rates. All our scientists and senior scientists have a PhD degree.
The hourly rate depends on the task, and can be found in the latest price list.
Why choose DFM?
We stand out due to the experience we have. The number of hours we spend on an assignment is usually a good deal less than others, and we have to date a 100% guarantee of delivery, meaning no deadlines missed.
DFM is your garantee that the solution you seek will be delivered, implemented and tested.
Quality assured
Besides technical solutions, we can also offer consultancy for developing and implementing a system for quality assurance. If your company or product needs a certification, DFM can help. Overall, documentation is one of DFM’s strongest compentences. Everyday, we work under strict quality requirements in calibration and reference materials. Our documentation is at the highest level.
DFM can assist with:
• Assessment of whether your product is in correspondence with international standards and legal requirements
• Setting up legal metrological traceability
• Development of a quality assurance system
• Consultancy regarding certification and documentation
• Creation of a model showing your product’s metrological features
When traceability and accuracy is the basis for success
Are your customers asking whether your services are traceable and certified? With traceability to DFM and correct uncertainty budgets, your company gains a competitive edge.
Are you in need of a valid test method for your product? Does your company need quality assurance or certification? Or do you need a R&D partner with experience for high tech projects?
Contact us for a meeting - we are looking forward to hear from you.