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research within ELEctrochemistry
Two of the most widely used chemical measurements are pH and electrolytic conductivity. Both are in reality electrochemical measurements. DFM has primary standards at the highest international level for both of these measurands . Our research activities shall ensure that we continue to be capable of fulfilling the needs of Danish companies in terms of measurements of and knowledge about these measurands, both now and in the future when the demand for measurements in new substances arise.
Electrolytic conductivity
Electrolytic conductivity is a measure related to the number of electrically charged chemical units in a liquid.
Development of the ability to measure the electrolytic conductivity of biofuels is proceeding in parallel as biofuels have electrolytic conductivity on the same order of magnitude. However, biofuels are volatile chemical species and thus it is more complicated to perform the measurements.
The measured pH is defined as a measure of the acidity of an aqueous solution. Further pH can only be measured meaningfully in solutions having the property that adding a small, yet significant, quantity of acid or base will only result in a vanishingly small change in the pH value of the solution. Such solutions are called buffers.
pH measurement is used much wider than so, though hardly always with the careful interpretation of the significance of the measurement result which is required for any measurement of pH that is not a measurement of the pH of a buffer