
research PROJEcts
DFM participates in a number of national and international research projects, of which a few examples are show below.
For an updated list of projects under EMPIR (European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research) in which Danish companies and institutes participate, refer to the EMPIR list here (in Danish).
The primary goal of BIOFORS was the development of innovative solutions for medical tubing, primarily using controlled release of UV light, but also through surface modifications.
BIOFORS was a partnership between companies, universities and knowledge institutions, 10 partners in total. The project was funded by Innovation Fund Denmark, which invests in the development of new knowledge and technology creating growth and employment in Denmark.
Read more about the project on the BIOFORS web pages, or contact project coordinator Kai Dirscherl.
In the project LEDMET new measurement methods were developed for reliable characterization of the properties of LED lighting.
LEDMET was a innovation consortium with 21 partners, and with DFM as the coordinator. The project was funded by Innovation Fund Denmark.
Read more about the project on the LEDMET web pages, or contact project coordinator Jan Conrad Petersen.