Kogle Allé 5
DK-2970 Hørsholm
Tlf: +45 7730 5800
E-mail: [email protected]
CVR/VAT#: DK29217939

Jan C. Petersen
+45 2545 9017
[email protected]

RESEARCH and innovation
Metrology and metrological competences are fundamental to the technological infra-structure of a knowledge-based society. DFM therefore conducts independent research in fundamental metrology in order to develop and maintain the national standards in the fields of mass, length, nanotechnology, electricity, acoustics, electro-chemistry, and optical radiometry.
In partnership with industry and universities, DFM participates in research projects, such as innovation consortia, EU projects, and projects financed by various national foundations.
In close cooperation with Danish universities, DFM contributes to the education of postgraduate students.
Below, we summarize our fields of research. For more details, just click on the headline for each field, or refer to the menu on the left..
The research focuses on spectroscopy, wavelength standards for optical communication systems, ultra-violet radiometry, and light source characterization.
DFM’s research within electrochemistry targets the development of measurement systems for electrolytic conductivity in eg. ultra-pure water and biofuels, and secondary pH measurements. Furthermore, DFM carries out research in fundamental topics of importance to electrochemical measurements.
Our research focuses on design and modeling of measurements, and on optimal analysis of measurement data. A general, non-linear least squares method developed by DFM is used routinely in calibrations and for research or consultancy tasks.
The research within nanometrology focuses on obtaining an increasingly lower measurement uncertainty of critial dimensional parameters. One of our fields of research covers the characterization of nano particles, including methods that determine the elasticity of the particles, their photo-catalytic activity, the refraction index, their size, and finally, the biological longevity of airborne particles.
DFM focuces our research with in acoustics on primary methods for estimating the sensitivity af laboratory reference microphones in different sound fields. Other fields of research target the acoustic impedance of artificial ears, an important parameters when calibrating audiometric equipment, and the use of acousto-optical methods for the reconstruction of sound fields.