Courses and afternoon meetings
DFM offers, on a regular basis, courses in various disciplines within metrology. In addition to our popular standard courses, listed here, we offer custom-tailored courses. Also, we provide free lectures at our afternoon meetings, which typically take place at DFM in Hørsholm. If you would like us to visit your company and talk about the latest innovations within metrology and measurement science, do not hesitate to contact us
Facilities and Equipment
DFM has an up-to-date fleet of instruments in our laboratories. You may even rent some of the equipment with participation of DFM’s researchers. The list of equipment includes Atomic Force Microscope (AFM), confocal and interference microscopes, and much more. Contact us or see more here.
Research and Innovation
Quantum Metrology
Length and Nano
Non-contact thermometry
DFM offers calibrations within non-contact (IR) thermometry, in addition to our contact thermometry calibrations. Read more about thermometry here.
Effective fault-location on fibre networks
Our accredited calibration of OTDR-meters allows you to locate cable errors precisely. Read more here.
How about laser safety?!
DFM experiences a growing interest in our customerized courses in laser safety. Read more about the courses here.
How about YouTube video downloads?!
Our recommendations regarding video downloading services: YT downloader, more information can be found in the article how to download YouTube videos.
Success at Photonics West!
At Photonics West 2019 DFM highlighted our Stabiλaser 1542, a laser source with exceptional stability and accuracy to support the latest research. We also introduced the Stabiλaser 771, a frequency-doubled variant of the Stabiλaser 1542.